Monday, June 21, 2010

New Churches on the Horizon

Today was the first full day of evangelism and church planting here in Sullana. This morning began with all of the teams going out with the pastors to the areas where they will be planting new churches. I have the pleasure of working with Pastor Jorge, the coordinator, of this weeks work. He has a special church plant of his own. In an area outside of the city called "New Esperanza" or "New Hope", they have begun building a church out of coconut tree limbs and bamboo with an aluminum roof. The church building is a room that is about 20''x20" with a dirt floor. This is common in many villages in the Peruvian "outback". No matter how many times I see a worship center like this, I cannot help but think about how we take for grant it the church buildings we worship in each week. The church is not the building but the body of believers. Pastor Jorge has this vision for the New Hope community. As families move into the area, it is his desire to reach those families for Christ, and then have them join this new body of believers. We spent some precious time walking around this new building and prayer for the future that is this church. We prayed for the individual people that would be won for Christ. We prayed for the pastors and church leaders who would be shepherding this new flock. That God would protect, bless and strengthen them for the work ahead.

After checking on the teams and praying for this new church, we had lunch with Pastor Jorge. Even though we do not share the same language, we share something that is so much more valuable than that, our relationship in Christ Jesus. Because of this shared relationship we were able to share so much about each others lives with little or any interpretation at all. With God no interpretation is necessary. Our teams are hard at work accomplishing what it is God has called them to do. This morning's devotion was about how God's work will be accomplished whether we are willing to participate or not. However, the Bible tells us that "IF" we are willing to be a part of his work, that we will be blessed immeasurably for our obedience to his call. Many times we go on mission trips with the mindset that we are here to help the local christians, when in reality we are here because God wants us to grow in our faith and show us the work he is doing at the other end of the earth. It is simply our honor to be part of such an awesome plan God has for Peru.

In His Service Always,

David Coram
God's Servant

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